Natural Healing Center


  • Shannon you are a hidden gem! I am so happy and grateful to have been referred to you. I knew using the body testing methods you use to create a natural and tailored treatment plan was right up my alley. I have been frustrated for years not knowing why I (an RN and avid health and nutrition enthusiast) had a huge deficit in energy. I couldn't rationally legitimize my fatigue and overall depressed, lack-luster state of health. By traditional medical standards I was healthy. I am so appreciative that you helped me at the pit of my despair. I couldn't eat!!! I had horrible intestinal  pain and spasms. I was really at a loss and didn't know how to help myself. To get to the point I am very pleased to learn about the imbalances I was unknowingly subjecting my body to. The metal from my belly ring was disrupting the energetic health of 9 different organs. Unbelievable. My metal underwire bra was not helping. As a woman, the cost of my hormone balance was so not worth it. I have learned the importance of allowing the demands of the human body to circulate energy for health and balance. I honor this now and no longer take this demand for granted. For me this was correlated to the multiple food intolerance and under active thyroid Shannon identified. Giving my body the nutrients it was deficient in with supplements and getting rid of the metal I had been wearing for years made me feel like a million bucks :0) It was also absolutely necessary to avoid certain food as I was healing my stomach and intestines. I had forgotten what it feels like to feel vivacious and abundant in energy. I love that you showed me how to eat right for me and only me. Thank you. #Losethemetal !!

    Leslie M.

    Leslie M.
  • I was tired, depressed and stressed. I was in denial because everyone you talk to has stress. Now I have energy, feel positive and my clothes fit better because I'm no longer bloated!

    Cheryl C

    Cheryl C
  • 15 years ago, I was hit by a drunk driver, instantly catapulting me into a life of near constant migraines that first year. For the next 3 years I had migraines 3-5 days a week, and then they 'settled' down to about 2-3 days a week. About 5 years ago I went off of gluten and that helped. I went to Shannon 3 years ago, feeling very tired and with lots of brain fog and depressed that I still had so many migraines. The first day Shannon diagnosed me with several other major food allergies (NOT caught in the traditional Allergist's office where I had been receiving shots for two years). After a month of detoxing these out of my intestines/body, I started feeling fantastic! The brain fog was gone, the migraines had plummeted, joint pain was much less, stomach and gut did not hurt at all and I just felt so much stronger, energetic and healthier!! I just turned 50 this year, yet I am not depressed about this fact, since I feel SO much better than I did in my 30's after that car accident! Shannon has been such a blessing in my life, and of my family (as they have the real me back).

    Robin R

    Robin R
  • I am now functional, walking normally, and happy! I had had Rheumatoid Arthritis for about a year and sought medical help and tried all types of gimmicks, but to no avail. I was in constant pain all the time. I couldn't function and walk normally. Getting out of bed in the morning was the hardest thing for me because of the excruciating pain and depression. My life was miserable. I am now functional, walking normally, and happy. There were some surprises along the way. My skin got better. I've lost weight. I am happier, less stressed, and content about my life despite of the trauma I've been through.

    Nancy T.

    Nancy T.
  • Before coming to Natural Healing Center, I hated getting up in the mornings because of all the pain I faced – severe, constant pain. I would sweat like a faucet out of the blue. The bottom of my feet hurt just to walk. I took pain medication 3 times a day, I iced my back 2-3 times a day. I was very depressed. In 16 years I never gave up, because I knew there was someone on this planet that could help me. After coming to see Shannon and doing nutrition at Natural Healing Center I have had noticeable improvement and I look forward to starting my day with 50% less pain. Thanks to the Cellorgane Adrenal product, I have lost 55 lbs., my energy level has improved. I am now more active and my attitude has improved. Best of all, I no longer sweat like a faucet. I want to continue improving my health for the rest of my life.

    Claudia S

    Claudia S