I was tired, depressed and stressed. I was in denial because everyone you talk to has stress. Now I have energy, feel positive and my clothes fit better because I'm no longer bloated!
15 years ago, I was hit by a drunk driver, instantly catapulting me into a life of near constant migraines that first year. For the next 3 years I had migraines 3-5 days a week, and then they 'settled' down to about 2-3 days a week. About 5 years ago I went off of gluten and that helped. I went to Shannon 3 years ago, feeling very tired and with lots of brain fog and depressed that I still had so many migraines. The first day Shannon diagnosed me with several other major food allergies (NOT caught in the traditional Allergist's office where I had been receiving shots for two years). After a month of detoxing these out of my intestines/body, I started feeling fantastic! The brain fog was gone, the migraines had plummeted, joint pain was much less, stomach and gut did not hurt at all and I just felt so much stronger, energetic and healthier!! I just turned 50 this year, yet I am not depressed about this fact, since I feel SO much better than I did in my 30's after that car accident! Shannon has been such a blessing in my life, and of my family (as they have the real me back).
I am now functional, walking normally, and happy! I had had Rheumatoid Arthritis for about a year and sought medical help and tried all types of gimmicks, but to no avail. I was in constant pain all the time. I couldn't function and walk normally. Getting out of bed in the morning was the hardest thing for me because of the excruciating pain and depression. My life was miserable. I am now functional, walking normally, and happy. There were some surprises along the way. My skin got better. I've lost weight. I am happier, less stressed, and content about my life despite of the trauma I've been through.
Before coming to Natural Healing Center, I hated getting up in the mornings because of all the pain I faced – severe, constant pain. I would sweat like a faucet out of the blue. The bottom of my feet hurt just to walk. I took pain medication 3 times a day, I iced my back 2-3 times a day. I was very depressed. In 16 years I never gave up, because I knew there was someone on this planet that could help me. After coming to see Shannon and doing nutrition at Natural Healing Center I have had noticeable improvement and I look forward to starting my day with 50% less pain. Thanks to the Cellorgane Adrenal product, I have lost 55 lbs., my energy level has improved. I am now more active and my attitude has improved. Best of all, I no longer sweat like a faucet. I want to continue improving my health for the rest of my life.