Natural Healing Center


  • 15 years ago, I was hit by a drunk driver, instantly catapulting me into a life of near constant migraines that first year. For the next 3 years I had migraines 3-5 days a week, and then they 'settled' down to about 2-3 days a week. About 5 years ago I went off of gluten and that helped. I went to Shannon 3 years ago, feeling very tired and with lots of brain fog and depressed that I still had so many migraines. The first day Shannon diagnosed me with several other major food allergies (NOT caught in the traditional Allergist's office where I had been receiving shots for two years). After a month of detoxing these out of my intestines/body, I started feeling fantastic! The brain fog was gone, the migraines had plummeted, joint pain was much less, stomach and gut did not hurt at all and I just felt so much stronger, energetic and healthier!! I just turned 50 this year, yet I am not depressed about this fact, since I feel SO much better than I did in my 30's after that car accident! Shannon has been such a blessing in my life, and of my family (as they have the real me back).

    Robin R

    Robin R
  • After seeking help from countless health practitioners and never getting any better, I was referred to the Natural Healing Center by a friend. Tired of feeling so awful all the time, nowhere near a path to feeling better nor knowing what the root of the cause was for my failing health, I decided to give it a try. I thank God, I was led to such an amazing person with such insight to how the body works. She was able to finally determine what was going on and why I had so many different issues going on. It's unfortunate it took this long to find someone who could get to the root of the problem, but thankfully we did. I now feel like I have my health back. No more lethargy, pain, digestion issues, brain fog, adrenal issues, food allergies, and weight issues. If you're tired of not feeling well, you should seriously consider The Natural Healing Center.

    Amanda R

    Amanda R