Check in the box to answer each of the following questions as truthfully as you can.
Taken from Dr. Nancy Appleton’s Lick The Sugar Habit
If you answered “false” to more than four of the statements, chances you are probably sugar sensitive. You are probably allergic to sugar and also addicted to it the same way an alcoholic is addicted to alcohol. You crave sugar, have withdrawal symptoms when you don’t get it, and probably feel better for a short time after you’ve eaten it. In eating sugar to feel better, you are actually making your condition worse.
If you answered “false’ to four statements or fewer, it doesn’t mean you don’t have a problem with sugar. You may not be addicted to it, but perhaps you don’t quite realize just how much sugar you are eating.
Contact us to overcome your sugar addiction. Call us and mention this quiz to redeem for $50 off!