Natural Healing Center

MichelJoy D.

20 April 2020 // comments: 0
THANK YOU, Dr. Shannon Eggleston for your commitment to health!   As a business consultant and as a patient, I’ve known Shannon for almost 20 years.  She has supported me and my son, through various health challenges, including intermittent dizziness.  I trust her because she gets to the heart of what is causing pain and dis-ease.  I no longer experience dizziness.  This year, I chose to practice her recommendations 100% and have eliminated fungus from my colon and brain fog from my mind.  I released childhood fears about not having enough food in the house.  That realization freed me to eat consistently.   I actually respond to body signals of hunger that I used to push beyond.  I am sleeping more deeply and feel relaxed throughout my day.  I have consistent energy and clarity of mind.  Now, I am beginning to see a new future, re-creating and renewing the cellular structure of my entire body!