SP Detox Balance Chai 28-day program supports whole body detoxification which is an effective program for weight loss.
As toxins are released, the body will “let go” of fat it was holding onto for protection from the toxins. This is an easy, yet effective program that allows you to eat whole foods along with the protein shake and takes you through three phases:
Phase I: Unlock
The body transforms fat-soluble toxins to an “unlocked” state that is more water-soluble, and in many cases, more toxic than its original form. SP Detox Balance delivers key nutrients.
Phase II: Neutralize
Highly toxic substances produced in Phase I convert to non-toxic molecules and become even more water-soluble. SP Detox Balance delivers key nutrients.
Phase III: Eliminate
Water-soluble toxins leave cells, and the body eliminates them. SP Detox Balance delivers plant-based fiber to aid toxin elimination.